Enhanced preparation for medical trauma onboard the yacht
Prepare for onboard medical emergencies
Responding to and managing trauma is an integral part of MedAire's service, including:
- Preparation: Medical training sessions that integrate your MedAire medical kits into practical scenarios
- Assistance: 24/7/365 medical team to advise you in managing onboard trauma.
We also offer solutions, for advanced medical responders onboard to increase their preparedness.
Advanced trauma management kit
The Trauma Kit is an advanced trauma management kit containing equipment and items needed to manage any serious trauma or mass casualty event on board.
MedAire’s goal is to ensure you and your guests are safe and secure while at sea and ashore. Speak with your account manager to determine what best fits your needs in providing your crew and passengers with adequate duty of care.
Intended use:
- Trained medical professionals
- Larger vessels carrying a crew of 14 or more
- Vessels going to remote locations

Massive haemorridge, Airway, Respiration, Circulation and Hypothermia
MARCH Training
This intensive two-day course equips your crew with the skills to work as a cohesive team.
It works through a variety of scenario-based drills, learning how to respond more efficiently to medical emergencies by using the concept of a PIT crew - everyone having a defined role within the team, using appropriate equipment for the scenario.
Intended for:
- Up to 8 crewmembers, with advanced first aid knowledge.
- More remote cruising plans, extreme sports and vessels with a heavy diving focus