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For over 4o years, MedAire has been the preferred partner providing tailored assistance, expert education, and innovative equipment for Business & General Aviation, Commercial Aviation, and Yachts.

With 24/7 support and industry-leading solutions, we help ensure safety, health, and security worldwide.


Celebrating a legacy of innovation and industry firsts from developing bespoke medical kits to founding the first global response centre for aviation. Our commitment to pioneering solutions continues as we look ahead, ensuring excellence for every journey.

AC - Desktop - MedAire


ISO Certified for our telehealth services


Experts in providing medical assistance to yachts

When it comes to medical advice, the value of a second opinion cannot be understated. With a MedAire360 membership, you gain access to doctors and nurses who specialise in delivering remote support during both emergency and routine medical situations.

No query is too big or too small and our teams handle on average 300+ calls every day. 

As medical incidents can present with a security element, MedAire members also have access to our security team, providing a comprehensive approach to safety and wellbeing onboard. 

MedAire360: The best possible care for crew and guests

24/7/365 Telemedical Support

MedAire's two dedicated Assistance Centres deliver support to yachts around the world. We manage a range of medical queries including:  

  • First responder emergency advice
  • Personal medical questions, often providing recommendations from the medical kit
  • Medical recommendations based on guests’ health profiles and/or itineraries
  • Emotional Support: Access to structured counselling for a range of incidents from isolation to anxiety, loneliness and substance abuse. 
  • Travel safety and security advice

We invite you to see the difference for yourself and meet our experts behind-the-scenes in London & Phoenix! 

Paris assistance centre employee on the phone with map window background (3)

Shoreside medical Assistance

When a case cannot be resolved onboard, MedAire provide a range of solutions to support the safety of your crew and guests, including: 

  • Medical referrals to our shoreside network of 85,000+ credentialed providers

  • We can pay for treatment on your behalf, ensuring no delays in accessing care
  • Evacuation management and patient movement MedAire and International SOS conduct thousands of evacuations every year
  • Insurer support: Assisting with documentation to support claims. 

On-demand health and safety information

MedAire360 clients also access real-time medical, maritime and security information, compiled in-house analysts and Risk Intelligence (MedAire's specialist partners in maritime security). This includes: 

  • 24/7 access to MedAire's security team (victim of petty crime etc) 
  • Maritime Risk Map
    • Country & city guidance
    • Port View 
    • Sea area threat overview
    • Medical & Travel Risk overview
    • Alerts that highlight global threats 
Risk Map Screen


MedAire are certified by leading governing bodies from ISO to BSI and MCA. Quality is integral to all of our systems and processes and when you are choosing a provider, it's important to evaluate what standards they uphold, as this will ensure that you receive reliable service.

EMK Customisable Integration

Quality:  ISO certified across our platform and processes

DAK Swift and Informed Response

in-house infrastructure:  Non reliant on external call centre or insurer capabilities


Privacy:  HIPPA compliant call and case telephone and recording

AAMK - Expert Consultation

Expertise:  Multidisciplinary medical, security and logistics teams, with local knowledge

FAK Quality Assurance

Quality:  ISO certified across our medical platform and processes

VLAK Tailored to Light Aircraft

Business continuity:  Global 24/7 infrastructure, with operational back-up across 27 Assistance Centres