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Celebrating a legacy of innovation and industry firsts from developing bespoke medical kits to founding the first global response centre for aviation. Our commitment to pioneering solutions continues as we look ahead, ensuring excellence for every journey.

For over 4o years, MedAire has been the preferred partner providing tailored assistance, expert education, and innovative equipment for Business & General Aviation, Commercial Aviation, and Yachts.

With 24/7 support and industry-leading solutions, we help ensure safety, health, and security worldwide.

High quality medical advice and assistance for seafarers

Trusted by numerous leading shipping companies, MedSea ensures that your seafarers receive the highest quality of medical care and assistance. 

Initial first response is often just one aspect of a successful case outcome, as such MedSea clients have access to a wide variety of resources and expertise to ensure the safety of those onboard.

From health promotion resources to telemedical advice, case management capabilities and assistance with patient movement and repatriation- we have the tools necessary to keep your crewmembers safe. 

Who are MedSea, an International SOS Company?

International SOS is the leading medical and security services provider, assisting over 9,000 clients from our 27 global Assistance Centres. Whether at sea, in the skies or ashore, we have a solution to protect your people. 
MedSea is the maritime arm of International SOS and has been providing expert support to seafarers worldwide for 25+ years. Find out more below about how our core solutions can protect your crewmembers. 

Expert care at sea or ashore

Expert Medical Advice
Shoreside Assistance
Bespoke Consultation
Chronic Conditions Monitoring
Maritime Medikit

Expert Medical Advice

MedSea delivers support to vessels around the world, managing a range of routine and emergency medical cases:

  • First responder emergency advice
  • Personal medical questions: Including recommendations from the ship's medical chest.
  • Emotional Support: Access to structured counselling for a range of incidents from isolation to anxiety, loneliness and substance abuse.
  • Diversion recommendations: Advising if a change to the vessel's planned route is necessary, based off the crewmember's medical prognosis.

Our services are certified by top governing bodies, such as ISO. Through 24/7 infrastructure, operational backup across 27 assistance centers, HIPAA-compliant privacy policies and robust financial security, we ensure that your seafarers receive high quality medical assistance, wherever, whenever. 

Paris assistance centre employee on the phone with map window background (3)
85,000 global providers

Shoreside Medical Assistance

When a case cannot be resolved onboard, MedSea provide a range of solutions to support the safety of your crew and guests, including:

  • Medical referrals: International SOS maintain a network of 85,000+ credentialed providers, regularly audited for their quality of medical services. 
  • Evacuation management and patient movement: MedSea and International SOS conduct thousands of evacuations every year - we are the experts when it comes to coordinating patient movement
  • We can pay for treatment on your behalf: Ensuring no delays in accessing care. 
  • Future Care, an International SOS Company: Expert knowledge and support for vessels travelling in U.S. waters, providing comprehensive global support 
Bespoke consultation

Clinical oversight of your medical operations

Whether you're seeking health solutions to safeguard your corporate employees or those onboard your vessels, MedSea and International SOS provide bespoke support to help structure medical operations of organisations. 

This can include: 

  • PEME Management: Ensuring clinical oversight of seafarer PEME requirements 
  • Enhancing your onboard protocols
  • Travel Risk Management: To assist your corporate teams on business travel 
  • Bespoke consultation to help adhere with specific international health regulations.
Proactive management of chronic conditions onboard

Chronic Conditions Monitoring (CCM)

Many seafarers suffer with chronic conditions. When incorrectly managed, these conditions pose added risks to their health, along with commercial implications such as vessel diversions and loss of hire.

The three key issues we see, related to chronic conditions onboard are:

  • Crew forget to take or run out of their medication
  • Severity of condition may change during the course of employment
  • Master does not have bandwidth to monitor crew

MedSea's CCM programme is a membership add-on that provides a proactive solution to these problems and ensures better overall management of crewmembers with Chronic Conditions. Fill out the form above to find out more.

Better assessment leads to higher quality medical assistance

Maritime Medikit

MedSea’s Maritime MediKit is a comprehensive solution which improves the quality of medical advice given to the responder, in three key ways:

  1. Fully integrated solution: The kit and App contains everything you need to assess a patient’s vital signs and transmit to MedSea. 
  2. Improved Connectivity: Easily attach files and images and call/video MedSea through the App.
  3. Medical data integrity: Reliable vital sign readings and improved diagnosis due to medical grade equipment. 

By facilitating the process of contacting MedSea, your seafarers are empowered to quickly and efficiently reach out for professional medical assistance wherever necessary, to receive expert, accurate advice and guidance. 



I am writing this letter to provide a business reference for the International SOS Company and specifically regarding their telemedical services provided to our fleet vessels, including mental support.  

Having had the opportunity to work closely with your good end since 2011, we can attest that the MedSea programme consistently delivers high-quality services and their team has demonstrated a strong commitment to meeting our needs and expectations in providing medical advice to our seafarers, worldwide 24/7.  

Their attention to detail, professionalism, and responsiveness have been exemplary throughout our cooperation. They have always been proactive and efficient in their communication and problem-solving, always in line with our Policies and culture. 

Oil tanker management companyAssistant DPA

We have been using the Medsea service now for over a year and we could never go back to how we were before.

The service has revolutionised how we handle our medical cases and is the next best thing to having a doctor onboard our ships. The crew are able to refer all medical issues to an experienced doctor who can manage the case and advise of further steps, taking into account the facilities and equipment onboard.

We have found this has led to a drop off in the need for other shoreside medical support. Any cases that are dealt with are informed and updated to the shoreside management team so we always have an overview of any medical issues onboard our ships.

We have even used these reports to support subsequent claims with P&I. Medsea has become integral to the way we manage our vessels. 

Submarine communications organisationMarine Manager CSO DPA

The mariners father is very ill and due to covid rules in country and his trips to sea he had not managed to see him for several years.

The team have provided a VSEE call with a nurse who was able to speak with the mariner in his native language, making it much easier to converse his feelings and upset.

The Master advises the MedSea team have been very thoughtful and kind and provided excellent support whilst we wait for the vessel arrive in port in a few days and get the mariner home to his family. So please convey the thanks for once again going the extra mile to provide well needed support in the right way.