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For over 4o years, MedAire has been the preferred partner providing tailored assistance, expert education, and innovative equipment for Business & General Aviation, Commercial Aviation, and Yachts.

With 24/7 support and industry-leading solutions, we help ensure safety, health, and security worldwide.


Celebrating a legacy of innovation and industry firsts from developing bespoke medical kits to founding the first global response centre for aviation. Our commitment to pioneering solutions continues as we look ahead, ensuring excellence for every journey.

Apr 14, 2022

Superyacht Medical Training: Why Choose MedAire


As you advance in your yachting career, your medical responsibilities will grow, making it essential to be capable and confident in providing medical care to those onboard.

With some estimates indicating that 60% of learned safety knowledge is lost six months after a course, learning and maintaining the medical skills needed for your position requires a combination of regulatory classes and frequent refreshers and drills.

This blog focusses specifically on the STCW’10 regulatory courses, which MedAire is certified by the MCA to provide onboard your yacht.


There are 3 different courses available, as set by the STCW: Elementary First Aid (EFA), Proficiency in Medical First Aid (PMFA) and Proficiency in Medical Care Onboard (PMCOB). With MedAire's unique 5 day STCW'10 class, up to 12 crew can upgrade or recertify their qualifications together onboard your own vessel, using the equipment you have onboard. Here’s how it works:

Day 1-2: Elementary First Aid: Covers first aid basics from CPR to wound management, Oxygen administration and using an AED.

  • Anyone is eligible to join the first two days and receive Elementary First Aid (EFA) or renew their First Aid certificate

Day 1-3 (plus e-learning) Proficiency in Medical First Aid: A more in-depth course that builds upon EFA, including chest pain management and musculoskeletal injuries.

  • Those who have already taken EFA, will attend days 1-3 plus an e-learning module, to receive their Proficiency in Medical First Aid (PMFA)

Day 1-5 Proficiency in Medical Care Onboard: The highest level of medical certification that teaches the responder not only how to handle a medical situation, but to sustain life onboard.

  • Those who already have their PMFA or PMCOB certification prior to this training will complete all 5 days to certify (or recertify) in Proficiency in Medical Care on Board.

All crew members can attend the full five days regardless, if they want to expand their medical knowledge (although the certification received will of course depend on the pre-requisites having been met).



Of course, regulatory training is just one part of ensuring safety and well-being on board. Whether your crew needs a training refresher, you have children or elderly guests onboard, or you want to provide crewmembers with strategies to help develop mental resilience, MedAire has a solution to support your needs.

Find out more about our training courses and contact us here

New! You can now purchase training vouchers on our eShop. Just log in to our client portal at and visit the shop.  


Aside from the fact that our instructors are specialised in providing medical care within remote environments, MedAire training:

  • Incorporates your medical kit into the training, so in the event of a medical situation you will be more familiar with your own equipment.
  • Includes scenarios into the training, creating an engaging course, with plenty of one-on-one time with a medical professional.
  • Is trusted by hundreds of crewmembers every year