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Caribbean preparedness: Medical and security considerations this season

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For yachts planning trips to and around the Caribbean, understanding the pre-departure risks and staying informed about current medical and travel safety precautions is essential. Read our suggestions below:



  • Medical kit replenishment: It goes without saying that before embarking on a transatlantic voyage, you should complete a stock take to ensure that you have the necessary items to respond to a range of medical situations.
    • If resupplying with MedAire: Make sure to shop our Caribbean essentials collection within the eShop to add any supplementary medication (such as a jellyfish sting kit) to your next resupply. If not resupplying, you can still log into the shop and create the order yourself.
  • Access to telemedical support: If a medical situation occurs during a crossing, MedAire’s 24/7 medical team can advise you on what to do and where to find the relevant equipment and medication in your medical kit.
  • Training: Whilst MedAire are experts at providing remote medical advice, it is essential to ensure the knowledge of your crewmembers is up-to-date, to help perform/facilitate any required medical care.
  • An AED is critical if a cardiac event occurs mid-crossing: Ensure it has been tested and your consumables are in date.

Helicopter Evacuation

Strongly recommended

  • The more accurate the medical information you provide to us, the more targeted the response can be: If the responder is concerned about a patient’s condition, medical monitoring devices such as Corpuls and Digital Assessment Kit (DAK) can help our medical professionals gain a clearer picture of the incident.

  • Consider additional flu and/or COVID vaccinations/medication: As the crew prepare for the voyage, they are often out and about, making it common for colds, flu and COVID to spread.

Other considerations and advice

  • Side effects of seasickness medication: If any crewmembers are taking seasickness medication and are not used to it, ensure they try it out first as it can lead to sedation and sleepiness. Cinnarizine is our recommended choice.



  • Vaccination records: Ensure that you and your crewmembers understand the current disease risks in-country (review our Maritime Risk Map to find out more) and that they arrange any vaccinations or boosters required.
  • Ensure that crewmembers restock any personal prescriptions.
  • It also advised that crewmembers maintain and have easy access to their personal medical record, in case of any emergencies or unscheduled medical treatment. Find out more.
  • Inform crewmembers about the risks of mosquito-borne diseases: Last year MedAire spoke about the global increase in dengue cases and provided tips to reduce the risks.
    • Infographics and information about dengue are available in our client portal in the medical reference section! Make sure to display these in the crew mess.
    • Zika and Chikungunya are also present within the Caribbean: If small children, older adults or pregnant women are travelling onboard, you should ensure that they are educated upon the risks and that you take any additional precautions (or contact MedAire with concerns).

Strongly Recommended

  • Jellyfish sting prevention and treatment: For those partaking in water sports, jellyfish encounters are always a threat. Goggles, rash vests and suncream with jellyfish repellent (MedAire resupply) can mitigate against the risks. Make sure to also have the Jellyfish stingkit or other appropriate supplies closeby.

  • View country/ disease-specific alerts on our Maritime Risk Map and sign up to emails to receive notifications if anything changes.

Good to know!

  • The clinic in English Harbour, Antigua accepts medication and equipment donations, which are sent to both veterinarian and hospital settings.


MedAire also provide expert security guidance and assistance &ndash with an internal security team and through our partnership with Risk Intelligence.


  • Do your crew have telephone numbers saved for: Emergency services, MedAire, the respective local embassy/ consulate? (If the answer is no, you can source using MedAire’s Portal/Maritime Risk Map)
  • Know your vessel’s Emergency Management Plan: This consideration can supersede all others. Occurrences such as natural disasters are happening more frequently and at unexpected times so being aware of any emergency protocols is crucial. MedAire & International SOS also regularly coordinate evacuations within disaster zones and can assist in such circumstances.
    • Emergency Response Planning: To best understand the local provider capabilities and likely timeframes that may impact an evacuation, MedAire can conduct an MERP (Medical Emergency Response Plan*). Based on your itinerary, our medical team will review the local providers, categorised within our proprietary database, alongside a review of the air ambulance capabilities with our aviation specialists. Understanding the options and possible limitations for onwards care may help you to determine optimal timing for certain activities (such as diving), or simply provide peace of mind for guests that all eventualities have been considered and planned for.

    *Pricing available on request.

    Strongly Recommended

    • Do your crewmembers understand the local culture and regulations?
      • MedAire’s Maritime Risk Map is divided into helpful categories, such as: Personal Risk, Crime, Terrorism, Women travellers, Political situation, Laws, Corruption and Cultural tips. Make sure crewmembers review any pertinent information prior to visiting a new country.


    Ensuring your yacht is well-prepared for a Caribbean voyage involves thorough medical and security planning; from preparation with MedAire’s Maritime Risk Map to our 24/7 assistance services, we have the tools to support your operations and desired level of care onboard.

    Find out more or contact us here.


MedAire Training Assistance Medical Kits Yachts Risk Intelligence